My son and daughter-in-law in Minnesota gave us a digital picture frame for chanukah. It is truly a gift that keeps on giving. I passed the contact info on to other family members in California and now hardly a day goes by where I don't get new photos cycling through. Whoever is responsible for this technology really gets the out-of-town grandma thing.

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I had to actually look this up to understand how it works. I didn't realize you could upload photos via an app. So for a family spread out across the country, each can upload photos to your frame, yes? That's pretty cool. Hmm... I may have to consider this for my great cousin who is always asking me to send her photos! Thanks for the idea.

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It's easier than that. You get a dedicated email address from the company and family members just send photos to that address instead of the one you normally use. Then they show up on the frame instead of on your computer or phone.

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Your Logo...A lodge/ rainbow? Never paid attention.

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hahaha! :)

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Oh, I love what you've written here. How rare it is to get a good gift and how vigilant you have to be to find one for someone else.

Here's one little story from a few years ago.

I told an artist friend that my mother thought he was a bad influence because he was tempting me away from my corporate ambitions over to the payless world of poetry and feeling. He asked me what I really wanted and I told him: to be a philosopher-psychologist hybrid, a writer, to play with depth and words.

Weeks later, on some unremarkable Tuesday, a magazine arrived in the mail. I'd never heard of it so I know I didn't subscribe but there I stood at the mailbox confused. New Philosopher: for curious people interested in the fundamental issues facing humankind.

No note. It didn't even have my name on it.

I walked inside, thinking it would need to be returned to sender. But it had the right address. It was supposed to get to this house, at least.

It's just the name was wrong: Bad Influence.

It took a bewildering second, then it hit me.

I cried for a long time that afternoon with a half opened magazine on the table.

Just like you said: seen, heard, known, celebrated. And now, inspired.

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oh wow. Your story brought tears to my eyes! I, too, would have sobbed after receiving this gift! Thank you so much for sharing. Here's to every influence that moves us to embracing our soul!

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