I think it was 98 here in Columbus Ohio, today and quite humid. Took a cold shower when I got home, where air conditioned comfort awaited. Selfishly worrying about loosing

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Ah! Cold showers! I forgot to mention those. Heaven!

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electricity. Ooops!

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I suspected you meant that! And I don’t blame you!

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Your happy post at the beginning turned sad. I remember- all those summer memories you had, I have too. Those happy times have turned to times of crisis and climate change sizzling heat. you wrote it so well and what where do we go from here? None of us really know. thanks for bringing this to our attention in such a creative and shocking way

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Hi Susan! I’ve been thinking about you, hope all is well.

Yes, great memories from years past, decades really, and now we are just trying to survive. Sad and frightening.

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Jan, the reality of weather changes and their impact affects all of us on multiple levels. I so appreciate in your writings how you invite us into the process of discovery and exploration of the personal impact for us readers!

Indeed This helps us do some self reflection on what is important in life. You challenge us with our own values about what is important.

Thank you my friend for your philosophical approach to and about life.❤️❤️❤️regarding your post. Pat from MI.

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You are so generous in your words, Pat, thank you. Hoping Michigan offers cooler nights.

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yes, I’m OK. I had to retire from my career of 29 years of teaching art at a private school and I was wrapping things up so I didn’t have a chance to write and post. I still wanna do the guest you offered me at some point. it’s been a challenging month of transitioning from a job that I really loved but it was time to leave. I’m ready to put soon maybe be related to that. I Enjoy all your writing and will always read you!

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Oh Susan that’s a huge adjustment! Even some mourning. Even as you look to the future, I am sorry for your loss.

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thank you! you get it!

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Please vote for people who think climate change is real.

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Yes Yes YES!!!!

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Jun 23Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

It's been in the 90s this week in Chicago, but I'm okay with just fans. Haven't used AC at home since my dad died four years ago.

Don't use it in my car, either.

Work quite a bit outdoors. Wear a floppy hat and drink a lot of water.

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You’re a sea-faring man, Mark! Well, not technically, but with all your time down by the water, I’d expect you to eschew ac. Fresh air all the way!

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