Thank you, Jan. I needed to hear this. I’m not okay either.

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I know Claudia. 😞

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And neither am I -everyone should read this post. Thank you for writing this and giving a passionate voice to all that we are thinking. I agree with every word you said here, unfortunately. I am here if you need an ear.

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Thank you, Joan. There are so many other things that I couldn’t fit in, things you know all too well (and write about) that are not okay. None of this is okay. Maybe if we can all- individually and as a nation- really feel our emotions, we can make things change.

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This newsletter Is my favourite One. Unfortunately I am totally sure that things can not be changed. We deserve the extintion.

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Ugh. That is so sad. And, I understand that thought.

Yet, the only thing constant IS change. Watching the grass grow looks like nothing is happening but the grass IS growing. Change happens. Our job is to assist change in positive ways. If we do nothing, it will get worse. The grass will choke the flowers. We can do things to keep the flowers safe. We can separate them. We can put up barriers. But the use of poison to kill grass always kills other things too. We really need to be very deliberate and think this through.

Change is a given. Maybe not as quickly as we like, but change does happen. Our job is to make sure the change is beneficial to all of life.

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Holy words. But reality Is totally different. I've been putting my best since my childwood but things only get worse. And now It Is too late. The process Is irreversible. My poor, innocent daughter

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I understand well the despair. Sometimes everything needs to fall apart in order for something new to happen. And yes, your daughter - all our children - it is not fair that this is the world they are inheriting.

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Thank you for writing this. I can add a hundred more items to your list. No one is ok, not even those who make some of these horrid things happen. We need to say these things out loud, we need to not accept these crimes against creation. You have articulated much of what goes round and round in my head all day. Thank you.

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Oh Rohini, my list is so much longer. I cut so much for the sake of the form. It is too much to read and took away from the immediate. It is also too much for us to carry in our hearts and our heads. But we do.

Those who do these unconscionable things are carrying all this and more as well. The list is too long. Too long for any of us to carry. At some point, some of us can’t hold it anymore.

This is what we need to be talking about. This is not mental illness. This is being fully human and unable to continue ingesting poison. Poison kills. The sane among us will either vomit to get it out or fight to keep it from getting in. Those who think either action is extreme are the folks who are not well.

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Same here, thank you.

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Thank you. It helps me to know we’re in this together.

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Thank you for this Jan. Your words express exactly how so so so many people feel but haven’t found a way to express. I’m not ok. 😣

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Oh Denise, the fight never ends, does it. I am still finding the words myself.

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Thank you Jan. I’ve not been Ok for a long time. I don’t have time to write more here this morning but I hope to say more when I can. I’m with you on these issues. Thanks.

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Thank you, Joe. We are not alone.

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My mother taught me to never give up. She lived those words, but thats another story. Its the core lesson I have followed in my life. Whenever I think I have had all the shit I can take, I come back to her life lesson.

So yeah, if you were on FB you would see me mimic what you just said. And if it pisses off some of my friends, I dont care. Some of the worst offenders are those who went to Lutheran schools, and clearly missed the point of same. They can have their opinions, and I listen and sometimes argue back, but way too often I just compare their thoughts to what Christ would say, and move on.

Americans are a spoiled bunch. I certainly am. But some of us know it, and some of us think we deserve it. Not Christ like, is that? When immigrants arent humans, when anyone not born here isnt important, when anyone you dont know doesnt really matter that much. Not Christ like, is that?

I dont give up. You cant either. Kick ass. Take names. Tell them why they are wrong. After that, rinse and repeat. If you save one soul, its a lifetime victory.

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Oh Kent, I know you’re out there fighting the good fight and that helps. Each of us makes a difference. And yes, I, too, have noticed how those with a religious upbringing are often the worst at living the Gospel. Particularly those who made bad choices when they were young, now they embrace faith with a fervor and renounce anything and anyone that isn’t in their narrow path- a path they deliberately keep narrow because anything wider would be too much for them They need to be able to touch the walls with both hands as they walk, to brace themselves against the handrails. This is all they can do. Christ is too big for them. Christ is everywhere and they can only see the hem of his robe. It’s so frustrating.

Thank you for carrying on. For not giving up. For listening to your mom.

Come visit me in Tulsa someday

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Jan, your words convey TRUTH that we need to hear. Thank you my friend for the love in your message!

Pat McDonald

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Thank you Pat. Sending you love.

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Nor me. I am not ok. I don't have the wherewithal to handle these losses, I literally stop myself from reading, watching or much thinking about the children shot and terrorized by an automatic weapon of death. I am not able to function if I unblock my feelings. I feel terrorized and abused by those who will not step up to make changes in our laws by which the rest of the civilized world functions. I have no one to pick up my pieces if I were to come apart. I am living one day away from that, feeling immobilized, watching some Congress members seeking majority- desired change and others blocking it, lying and destroying our mental and physical security. I agree with everything you wrote.

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oh Friend, I hear you and understand everything you wrote. I, too, live on the precipice of completely falling apart. We feel deeply and it is too much to feel it all. It is simply too much.

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Agreed. From my experience, very few people let themselves feel. They tune it out the tragedy and injustice, I guess, to be able to continue to function.

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100% true on both counts. Feeling hurts and the tough feelings get in the way of our functioning. It takes a lot of work to learn how to channel the tough feelings and the pain in productive ways. And even then, even then, we must allow ourselves to mourn.

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Tremendous clarity and courage. We need to keep saying what you've said.

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Amen. May we all lift our voices and may our voices be heard.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

100%. The only comfort is that you are not alone. There are millions--yes!--of us who feel the same way.

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Thank you, Ashleigh. That is, indeed, the only comfort.

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Perhaps together we can all make a difference and impact positive change.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

On my better days, I hope and believe that this can be true.

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Me too. 🧡

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

You are far from alone. This is such a moving piece, beautifully written, thoughtful and painfully incisive.

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Thank you, Rachel. It does actually help to know I am not alone, that there are many of us occupying this painful space.

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Jan Peppler, PhD

Very powerful words. The cumulative despair is overwhelming.

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Terry, I can't even imagine what these last two years have been like for you, working in healthcare, or how Wednesday's shooting may be reverberating through your psyche. My heart is with you. Thank you for what you do.

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