I am looking into a digital nomad visa. Several countries have them, Spain, Portugal, Italy has developed one. It seems to be working out well for folks to get a 6 month to one year visa. It is also a fast track to permanent residency. My next door neighbors are renting a house near the beach in Italy close to Bari for $325 a month. They seem to spend a lot of time there. Enjoy your time there!

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Thanks. And yes, the digital nomad visa sounds fantastic- though at the moment I wouldn’t qualify for that either, even if Italy had it in place. They adopted it into law last year but did not set up the mechanisms (requirements and how it would work). Now the government has changed and this is not a priority so who knows when this will actually become an option here.

You may love Spain or Portugal and with your job meet the requirements. Each country typically has a limited number of each type of visas - and those limits are set at the beginning of each year- so this is something to check into. I recommend joining an expat site where you can ask other members for information and their experience. And then, of course, decide which country you really want to live in for at least a year!

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Sometimes you fall in love with a house that isn’t built yet. That’s my story. House and land is like soul and body. It’s the land that drew me in but it’s the house I dream about all the time.

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Oh yes!!! The land itself, the landscape, the location are as much a part of home as the actual structure in which you sleep and cook and eat!! I’d love to hear more about this land that captured your heart, that feels so right that now you dream of the house you will build there!! How did you find this land? Is it a place you have long known and loved? Or a new place that feels familiar and comforting?

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My wife was stationed in Italy a long time ago. We would love to be there more, possibly wintering there, but we have two large dogs….so..for now..we dream.

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Ah yes, our fur babies must be considered!! We have two elderly dogs in Idaho (will both be 15 in April) and then I have a 4 y/o Jack Russell mix in Tulsa. The latter I hope to bring with me. Even if I can only stay 3 months at a time, I would like to bring her. On Delta, it is a $200 ticket each way for her. So we’ll see. On top of the logistics and cost, travel for pets always comes with discomfort. This last 10 hr crossing was brutal for me- way too tight and hot and too much like sardines- I was starting to lose it with 3 hours still to go. Certainly wouldn’t want to put my pup thru that!

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The wintering here dream is a good one! Consider planning and preparing for it so when the time comes, you might actually be able to make it happen! And in the meantime, maybe a 3-week trip is a possibility...

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Something always special about buying a new home and creating a new life and space .

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Indeed! Always the blank canvas! I often sit with a new home for weeks and months, waiting for it to tell me what it wants. Where to place art, etc.

What is your experience? I’d love to hear!

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What a fun house. As always a reno never goes as planned, especially the budget. :) But its a fun challenge to build your home.

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This is my first renovation project and hopefully my last. Sounds like you’ve done it more than once! Were you able to live in it during the process?

We stopped by yesterday and ... it was not in the shape I had hoped for... but Tom said it was better than he expected. So stay tuned!

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Jan, thanks so much for linking to my story! I have to tell you I have serious house envy—your former station house is a fantastic find (which I look forward to seeing in person one day). It's absolutely not folly to have bought it, and I know that house belonged to you before you even saw it. Have fun fixing it up and furnishing it, and being in that welcoming space. Divertiti!

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Grazie mille! It is SOOOOOO GOOD to be back. I am over the moon to be here again. 💚🤍❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you, Jan! My heart sings at the thought of you being in your chosen home, albeit just for two weeks. As you know, I moved to Idaho from Switzerland, leaving a behind ridiculously well paying job with no idea of what I would do when I got here (with meager savings!) — a town in the mountains 2 1/2 hours from the nearest city. I just knew I had to make the leap. 25 years later, I’m still here and this (for now!) is home. The possibilities I encountered once here, I could never have imagined in my old life. Which is to say, had I taken the time to carefully think through every decision, the best things in my life would not have come to pass.

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Oh Claudia, so true! Thank you for reminding me of this, your own leap. This is the magic of life, yes? As much as we want to know what’s around the corner (to plan and properly prepare), if we did know, we might avert so much goodness out of fear. You truly do dwell in possibility, my friend!

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Jan, the grin on your face reveals the warmth in your heart. This new home and experience will afford you blessing and memories.

I hope to share your experiences in Chicago at the Parliament gathering.

You are a treasured and unique friend.

Pat McDonald

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Thank you, dear friend.

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Why not, you did it. It's now yours and Tom's get away, slower pace, probably delicious food. I admire your adventurous spirit. Sending loving hugs, Renae

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Grazie mille! 😘

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We did a couple small ones and one huge one in our old house. Linda had coffee with the contractors every morning. 😀 we just added a bath in the basement of our current house for my new home office. Messy. Dust every where. But i worked through it.

Our son is gutting their new house. They can't live through that.

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Oh wow that’s a lot! Love the morning coffee- makes it easier to keep tabs on them too!

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So fun to watch you live out this dream!

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Thank you, Julia!

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